Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Pure Hearts

“Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.”

At first glance you may look at this and think, “Finally! This is one that I can wrap my mind around.” It seems so innocent and wonderful, but then reality sets in. Who are the pure in heart? Most of us would like to believe that each of us as firm believers are pure in our hearts. I know I would like to be, but when I look at myself I see the sinfulness of myself. Everyday I don’t always do or think as I should, I get frustrated with situations, a little pride seeps in here and there, I’m not always thankful for what I have and desire things that others have, I get jealous, etc. I’m sure that you get the point. Each of us can find ways in which we fall short, but often we are like the Pharisee in the temple praying, “At least I’m not as bad as that guy!” But in God’s eyes we are.
There are those in this world that relate and know that they fall short, but despair in that grief. They feel that they are worthless and if we are not careful the same can become true with us. The reality is this, IT HAS ALREADY BEEN RESOLVED! Jesus’ death on the cross took care of all that we have done wrong and it is in a relationship with Jesus that we find the pureness of heart. Our hearts become pure in God’s eyes when seen through the lens of Christ. That is the wonderful and precious gift that we received through Jesus Christ, each of us received a heart transplant. Our icky, dirty hearts are continually replaced with a pure clean and true heart provided through Christ. Now the process can be painful, but when you give in it will bring nothing but pleasure. May your heart be purified in Christ, so you may see the glory of God.


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