Blessed are the hungry
Matthew 5:6 (NIV)
It is funny how often this can be turned towards a cry for justice for those that are oppressed and to some extent it can be said that that is for what it was meant. It is a call to look at those that are suffering with thirst and hunger, those that are being driven down in physical pain and it is so much more. It is a call to all of us who suffer under godlessness and pain inflicted by a world that has no sense of care for the spiritual well-being of the world, just worries about the bottom line. A world that has those that cry out for social justice, but give no reverence to the provider of all and does not understand the injustice they bring upon others when they cast our Lord God aside as myth or superstition.
God is the only one that can feed a hungry world because the food that He provides does not only nourish the real, human hunger that can overcome us, but He feeds the deeper hunger that eats away at all humanity. I love the saying, “There are no atheists in a foxhole.” This saying may be old-fashioned, but the reality is that when things are at their lowest point there is a desire that is inane to all humanity to cry out for the creator, our Lord God. The cry can be in anger and may even be a vile curse spat out in all its venom, but there is an acknowledgement of something greater.
God calls us when we are hungry and thirsty. He fills us so that we are satisfied, but when we turn away the hunger returns with a vengeance. We are all hungry and thirsty until we eat of the bread and drink from the cup, then and only then can we be filled.
You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God.
He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat.
Matthew 5:6 (The Message)